Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Top Five Tuesday - Directorial Debut Features

1.Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Shane Black- 2005) - My favorite movie of all time in pure enjoyability.  Robert Downey Junior and Val Kilmer at their absolute best.

2. BRICK (Rian Johnson- 2005) - A heavily Noir inspired film filled with hardboiled detective movie tropes brilliantly shot and acted.  Oh, and it's set in High School.

3. Thank You For Smoking (Jason Reitman) - A first outing adaptation of an "unadaptable" book, screen-written and directed by Reitman and giving Aaron Eckhart's career a much needed boost.

4. Maltese Falcon (John Huston) - Bogey doing what Bogey does best...  This is the movie where I was least taken by the directorial work, not that it wasn't great. It was.

5.Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton)  - It's a shame Laughton didn't direct more movies, when this movie is on, it's the best technical direction I've ever seen, brilliant use of light and shadow, and the nature shots are just perfectly done.  90% of the shots in this movie are absolutely brilliant.  The other 10% show a new director enamored with some of the gaudier tricks of the industry.

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